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Support British Farming #feedthenation

British farmers have been at the forefront of feeding the nation during the pandemic highlighting how important they are to our food systems. As we have been in lock-down our farmers have been working as essential key workers to provide our nation with fresh produce. It’s so important to us for as customers to remember where our food comes from; hard working farms like us. The efforts of British farmers have even been praised recently by Price Charles, he highlighted that ‘food doesn’t happen by magic’ and ‘growers shouldn’t be taken for granted’.

4 Reasons to Support British Farmers

We Work Hard to Deliver High Quality, Tasty Produce

Most of what we grow here at Farrington’s is Organic. We believe it’s the better way to farm; its nicer to the environment and heather

for our customers. We have some of the toughest measure to adhere by to keep our organic status, but we believe it’s worth it to be able to offer you produce that’s fresh and has been grown without the need for nasty pesticides or chemicals. We have seasonal produce available in our Farm Shop throughout the year so pop by and see if you can taste the difference.

Our Produce has No Food Miles

Transporting food around the world has a huge environmental impact. When you consider the C02 emissions for transportation plus the excess packaging that is needed to protect the food while it’s in transit the environmental impact really stacks up. So why do we do this when produce grown on our doorstep is amongst the best in the world? Because, as consumers we have been accustomed to being able to eat seasonal food all year round and we like to pay as little as possible for our food. Although, produce on supermarket shelves may look cheap, when you factor in the food miles, excess packaging and the environmental damage involved it might not be the best option. Purchasing locally means you can buy produce that was picked that day so there is no need for packaging meaning its fresher, tastier and more nutritious and more environmentally friendly. Although, we live in a society where we can eat strawberries at Christmas, eating seasonally is another great way you can help support British farmers and reduce food miles. By buying food in season not only does it support local farmers by it also reduces environmental impact and means when it comes to summer-time; fresh, British strawberries will be even more of a treat. To find out what’s in season on our farm see here.

We Work Hard to Enhance our Beautiful Countryside

We keep our hedgerows uncut, we plant wildflowers, we grow organically and we have even planted a woodland of over 10 acres, all to help maintain natural habitats for wildlife and plants. There are some beautiful footpaths throughout our woodland and our organic fields that are open for everyone to enjoy. So, pop along, bring the kids and see what wildlife you can find on the way.

We Provide Jobs for Local People

We employ nearly 70 staff members here at Farrington’s, of which the majority live in the surrounding villages. Farming offers great benefits to the local economy and is a driving force to providing rural growth.



Mon – Sat 9am
– 5pm

Sun 9am – 4pm


Mon Sat 9am  5pm
(kitchen closes at 3.30pm)

Sun 9am - 4pm



Mon – Sat 9am - 5pm

Sun 9am4pm


Tues - Thurs 12pm - 7pm

Fri & Sat 12pm - 8pm




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Farrington’s Farm Shop,
Farrington Gurney, Bristol, BS39 6UB


What 3 words:







Please note that dogs are not permitted inside our Farm Shop, Cafe, Chip Shop, Playbarn & Park. More information on the 'Visit' page 

Farringtons Farm Bristol & Bath

© 2020 FARRINGTON'S by

Farrington's Farm Shop Ltd, registered in England and Wales 04901692 Registered office: Farrington’s Farm Shop,Farrington Gurney, BS39 6UB

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